Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Marriage is worth the effort

Some folks seem to think Frank and I just lucked up to have each other and that we do not have to do any work on our relationship whatsoever. They think we are always in perfect agreement and that is simply not true. We do have disagreements and we do have to work on our marriage. We read books on marriage not because our marriage is in trouble, but to make a good marriage even better. We read and listen to books on tape about communication because, well, we all know men speak a different language than women! Our marriage is worth the effort we pour into it and our marriage is better because of that effort.

Some of the books we’ve read are Men are From Mars Women are From Venus, Courtship After Marriage, The Five Love Languages, Created to Be His Helpmeet, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, and The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. We do not always read the same books, but we have both read several of these and compared notes. Some of them we’ve even listened to or read more than once. One book that I want to get is The Love Dare.

Marriage takes time and effort. Sadly a lot of people I know put more time and effort into their job than they do their marriage then they wonder why their marriage is falling apart. Jobs come and go, but marriage is supposed to be for life. Doesn’t it make sense then to put at least as much effort into your marriage, (probably more) as you do your job? It is well worth the time and effort.


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