Sunday, August 10, 2008

Miracle of the Tribute Money (Matthew 17:24-27)

Lesson: I concentrated on the fact that both Peter and the fish were obedient even though they didn’t understand why they were to do certain things.

Craft: Find a couple of cute fish coloring pages. Copy and paste to a word document to make them smaller. Have the kids color and paste them onto blue construction paper. Use brown yarn for the fishing line and glue a penny in one of the fish’s mouths.

Object lesson: Put string or yarn through a straw and tape the string from one end of the room to the other. Use tape to hold a blown up, but not tied balloon to the straw. As you hold the end of the balloon shut explain that at first Peter had complete faith in Jesus, but when Peter began to question Jesus his doubts came faster and faster. When you let go of the end of the balloon it will shoot across the room. (Try it first before class and have extra balloons because after doing this a time or two the balloons pop.)

Snack: Goldfish or gummy worms


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