Monday, August 18, 2008

Fishy Family time

During the day while Frank was at work I decorated the dining area with the fish cutouts and the coloring page of an empty fish tank. I decided that wasn’t decorated enough so Alex and I made fish out of coffee filters. We scribbled on the coffee filters with markers then wet it to blur the colors. After it dried we cut it in the shape of a fish and added eyes and hung them from the ceiling near the vent.

When Frank got home we went to the library and got books and a kid’s documentary on fish. We went to PetSmart to get a fish. Alex chose a reddish blue beta he named Alex. At home Frank and Alex set up the fish tank and fed Alex the fish while I cooked.

We played put the fish in the fish bowl, which is the same as pin the tail on the donkey. We each took turns and all had fun. It was Alex’s first time playing anything like this. Frank and I took turns reading the fish books from the library.


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