Monday, March 16, 2009


Today I was at home where I wanted to be. Sabrina was asleep so I was spending uninterrupted time with Alex. We played with his train set for a while then we played the Blue’s Clues Game. Then the doorbell rang. As I walked to answer the door I thought, “I don’t want company.” To my complete and utter surprise my visitor was Frank who’d taken half the day off!

He said to get ready to go to Rhyolite. What a surprise! We had talked about going to Rhyolite last week, but I did not expect to go today. Rhyolite is a ghost town about 2 hours from Las Vegas. I have never been to a ghost town before.

We stopped at Beatty Museum to get directions. Since it was a free museum and we had time we looked at it. It was nice. Alex’s favorite part was the old tools.

Rhyolite was started in 1905 when a miner with a big mouth boasted of his gold strike. By 1908 there were over 8,000 people and now there is nothing, but some ruins. The most interesting thing, to me, was the bottle house. The bottle house is made of bout 30,000 bottles mostly from the local saloons. It was a strange feeling to see ruins where once a thriving town was.

If you want to learn more:

It was a great surprise, thank you, honey!


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