Friday, February 4, 2011

Puddle fun at MLK Park

On our way to Wal-Mart we stopped at MLK Park.

Alex, the ninja, agreed to come out of hiding for a quick photo. Alex didn’t really want to play at the playground today. He wanted to run in the field and fight invisible ninja skeletons (thanks to Legos and his martial arts class).

Sabrina let the world hear her voice with a mighty roar.

Alex was very excited when he noticed the sprinklers were on. I surprised him by telling him to go for it. I couldn’t let Sabrina miss the fun so we followed him. The whole area was flooded; apparently the sprinklers weren’t shutting off like they should. I had to encourage Alex to get wet, but once he did, he discovered the pure joy a huge puddle can bring. Needless to say we made a detour home before continuing to Wal-Mart.



Anonymous said...

We enjoyed watching the video! Anytime Kat sees a puddle, she just wants to jump in it, gotta love kids! :)

Frizz said...

Kids are great! I gotta admit we did get a few strange looks though, but I didn't care. That's what my kids get for having a mommy who's a transplanted country girl.
