Saturday, October 11, 2014

Ethel M Chocolate Factory

Yesterday I was on the way to the grocery store, but it was such a lovely day that I took the kids to Ethel M Chocolate Factory to walk the trails first. We had a great time walking and enjoying being outdoors together.

We took our time and had a great time. We walked the trails several times. Then we took the factory tour and got a free piece of chocolate. Thankfully we took the tour when we did because several bus loads of tourists showed up as we were watching the workers.

As we were leaving we were surprised by a hummingbird that was darting from flower to flower so close we could have touched it, if we were fast enough, of course. It didn't even fly off while we talked. We got to watch it for several minutes. It was really pretty with purple on its throat- a black-chinned hummingbird.


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