Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Going green and saving green (money)

I’ve been reading up on ways of going green and saving money at the same time. I went on several power companies’ websites for some of this information. I haven’t tried all of this yet, but it seems to be good information.

During the day I don’t use lights, besides in the bathroom. Thankfully the way our house is set up there’s no need to turn on lights until it starts getting dark. I also try to enforce the turn the light out when you leave a room.

Turning off or unplugging appliances when not in use also helps. Especially things like the computer and unplugging cell phone cords that aren’t in use. I have a friend who even unplugs her washer and dryer and other appliances. She said she saved $13 in one month by doing that.

I bought some energy saving lights at Wal-Mart that are supposed to cut our electric bill down. My mom and a friend both recommended them. Our house has recessed lighting and I’ll have to check to see if I can get that type of bulb as energy saving.

I normally use the cold water setting on the washer and only run the dish washer when it’s full. Keeping the dryer lint free not only helps prevent dryer fires, but saves money. Run the dryer, washer, and dish washer after 8 at night.

On thing I have not tried yet is putting a brick or a half gallon jug of water in the toilet’s tank to reduce the amount of water used. I’ve read about it on several websites.

Although it isn’t saving money I also bought some reusable grocery bags. I bought them after Alex put a plastic bag over his head to keep the number of that kind of bags in our house down. I do use the plastic grocery bags as trash bags for the bathrooms and for Frank’s lunch so I need some. I haven’t seen my reusable grocery bags since we moved so I guess I’ll look for them tonight.

I want your tips on going green and saving green! Please share!


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