Monday, June 1, 2009

Green Hour

"The National Wildlife Federation recommends that parents give their kids a "Green Hour" every day, a time for unstructured play and interaction with the natural world. This can take place in a garden, a backyard, the park down the street, or any place that provides safe and accessible green spaces where children can learn and play."

I would like to do the National Wildlife Federation's Green Hour, but this is Las Vegas, there isn't much green out there. I can't promise to give the kids an hour of unstructured outside play every day. It gets way too hot for that. When it is not too hot I do kick Alex off the computer and make him go ride his bike or play with the sprinkler.

When I was growing up in the country, not the city or the desert, I spent most of my free time in the woods or at the creek. We had animals; horses, cats, dogs, chickens, rabbits... I climbed trees, went fishing, helped in Papaw's garden... I do feel that Alex is missing out by not having that. We live in a subdivision that doesn't have grass much less a playground. (Before you start to feel too sorry for my kids; living in the city has advantages too. Alex gets to go to local parks, musuems, factory tours, the library, take classes at the recreation center, play with friends...)

I will try to fit more outside time in our schedule. I think Green Hour is a great idea.


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