Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Homeschool group- High School Biology-Dissections

Alex has an excellent Biology teacher. She invited the class to come to her home to do dissections that they did not have time to do in class. She finished up the worm dissection that they did not complete in class.

The teens dissected clams. Mrs. Jessie gave a lecture on clams and showed the teens several short videos about them. There were two of each specimen so the kids rotated who observed, who dissected, and who cleaned up. 

They also learned about starfish and dissected a starfish. Sabrina mostly played a game with the teacher's husband, played with the dogs, or jumped on the trampoline. Still Mrs. Jessie took the time to explain things to Sabrina when she did come by. 

 I love our Co-op! My public high school did not do dissections. Sabrina is in elementary, yet her class  has already dissected worms and owl pellets. Of course, Alex's class went into much more detail. Both teachers plan on more dissections.


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