Saturday, April 3, 2010

Honest Alex

At Target Alex was on one aisle and I was on the next. He came to me and said, “Mommy, I broke something.” I told him to bring it to me. He brought a bank broken beyond repair. I took it from him and put it in the cart.

“Mommy, are you mad?”

I admit I was a bit surprised that he asked. “No, Alex, I am very proud of you for telling me. If you didn’t and I found out I would have been mad.” Another lady overheard and said he did the right thing.

“Mommy, will the store people be mad?”

No, they know that accidents happen. Now I am even prouder of you because you told me the truth even though you thought you would be in trouble.”

I told the clerk what happened and offered to pay, but didn’t have to.


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