Monday, August 3, 2009

Wild West Story time

On Saturday I took the kids to the library for the Wild West Story time. I was surprised that there weren’t many kids. The kids listened to cowboy books and danced. Then there were craft make a cowboy, decorate a pair of cowboys boot cutouts, and coloring pages.

Sabrina was in a denim dress. Alex wore a plaid shirt with a bandanna, and a hat. I took pictures.

Alex ran to make a cowboy. Then he ran to the stage where there was a jail and a cutout of a cowboy set up for pictures. Alex hogged the jail and did NOT want to share it. Finally I talked him into coming down and he colored a cowboy then made a cowgirl for Sabrina. Alex ran back to the stage. When I got him down this time he decorated the cowboy boots then went back to the stage. We were one of the last ones to leave.

Since we just moved and have a few boxes Frank made him a jail. Alex was very happy about being in jail, (Sabrina liked it too.)


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