Monday, March 24, 2008

Help Needed With Unwanted Nannies

How do you handle it when church members and friends take Alex’s side- all the time? I can tell Alex something as simple as to ask before attacking their candy dish and right in front of him they say, “Oh, he’s fine.” When I explain that I’m trying to teach him manners they usually say something like, “Don’t worry so much,” or “don’t get onto my baby.” This of course does not escape Alex’s attention and he repeatedly forgets to ask, probably because he knows they will stick up for him. This happens frequently even when Alex does something wrong.



Melissa Murrell Lumpkin said...

I don't have any kids of my own, yet I do have about 50 of them at church. ALL AGES TOO! I get onto kids all the time!!!! Manners and such. But I also recognize that in the end, it is the parent's responsibility to discipline their own children. Whenever I see a parent discipling their child, I don't interrupt. Unfortunately for you Marie, you have adults who don't have boundaries and don't recognize that it is your job to raise and disciple your child. Stand firm. Create those boundaries that are needed. And Good Luck. Remember you are the parent.

Melissa Lumpkin

Frizz said...

A funny example of this happened last week. Alex and I went to the Christian bookstore with a sweet lady, who is the worst unwanted nanny. She bought Alex a bouncing ball. When Alex didn't say thank you I reminded him to use manners. She said, "Don't get onto my baby!" That store didn't have what we were looking for so we went to another Christian bookstore and the lady there gave Alex a ball. When Alex didn't say thank you she reminded him to use his manners.


Frizz said...

I have that problem with unwanted "nannies" too. Audrey will do some silly kid thing and I'll say "Audrey, SHARE!" and the other parent is like "no big deal!" What? That doesn't make any sense. Kids can do no wrong, I guess...

Elexa Rendla