Saturday, January 5, 2019

Sabrina's Stamp Collection

Sabrina has been collecting stamps for about a year now. Her collection has certainly grown! She only has five pages left in her stock book. The nice thing about a stock book is that she can easily rearrange her stamps as often as she wants. As you can tell I left the stamps on the envelope, she can always remove them later if she becomes more serious about doing things proper. 

For Christmas she received the stamp collection the belonged to her great grandfather. It has many stamps from WWII era, and from many different countries.

Sabrina collects both used and unused stamps. She also collects stamps from anywhere in the world. She recently started collecting blocks of stamps, four unused stamps together in a rectangle, and collectors' editions.

Thank you to everyone who has helped her collection grow. Please continue to save stamps for her, and Alex (he collects too, but isn't as interested as Sabrina).


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