Friday, June 29, 2012

Natural History Museum

Yesterday was the first time in about a year that I took the kids to the Natural History Museum. They were super excited. Alex loved the EEEWWW, What's Eating You? exhibit on parasites.

I love this museum because it has so much hands on learning.

The kids had a great time at the shark tank. A man was cleaning the tank and Alex asked about horseshoe crabs, so he picked one up and told the kids about it. Then he asked Alex if he wanted to kiss it. I teased Alex about it and he kissed it! (I certainly did not expect him to actually do it.)

(There was a group of kids from a daycare there. I felt so sorry for these kids. They spent only about five minutes in the hands-on kids area and for most of that time the teachers were telling them to get in line and wait their turn. They were in the totally hands-on kids' section and they didn't even get to explore at all. It was so sad.)


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