Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

We opened gifts this morning. Thank you to all who sent gifts, we are very blessed to have you and thank you for showing your love to us.(We agreed that since they got mostly toys for b-days {last month} that they would get mostly semi-educational things for Christmas.)

Both kids got puzzles, games, an easel, a Gears! Gears! Gears! Building set, and books.

Sabrina got lacing cards, magnetic dolls, lacing beads, a princess hairbrush, and some stuffed animals.

Alex got Legos, Imaginext, some science kits, and Rescue Heroes.

We actually even got a few gifts for us.



Anonymous said...

Awesome Sis! :) Hope ya'll had a Merry Christmas!

Frizz said...

Thank you, Sis. It has been wonderful and I hope yours was as well.
