Friday, January 22, 2010

Unschool Fridays

Alex, Frank and I decided that we will have “Unschool Fridays” in which, Alex only does homeschool he wants to do. I am not an unschooler, but I need to have a day to work on other things beside homeschool and Alex loves the idea of Unschool Fridays. (It also helps him to do his work on the other days knowing that Fridays are his day to choose activities.)

Today Alex has repeatedly watched a science DVD, played with bubbles, played with his Imaginext Castle, played with the felt board, watched a math songs DVD, arranged a fake flower centerpiece, played with his marble maze for a few minutes, played with Sabrina, and looked at a Spiderman pop-up book.

I am not an Unschooler so I set up a few of these activities where he would see them.


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