Thursday, May 9, 2019

Utah- Classic Skating

We had the place pretty much to ourselves for the first hour. It was great! We spent all of that time on the roller skating rink. Then a group of 60 kids from a local school came. This place allows scooters on the rink at the same time as skates. (WHY?) The kids were not well supervised and several times came close to crashing into us. 

We moved on to the other attractions. Sabrina loved the tractor jump thing and I'm not even sure how many times she jumped off of it. The kids were not supervised at all on the bouncy houses. One girl repeatedly pushed a boy off and later I found out they threatened to skip Sabrina's turn. At that time I couldn't find a worker, much less someone supervising the kids. 

Alex found a corner somewhere to hide in for a while. 

Alex started playing with Laser Tag with a group from the school. He absolutely loved it. After they left, he talked Sabrina into joining him. 

I bought the kids all day passes. We left for lunch, but came back after picking Frank up from work. Alex and Frank had a lot of fun playing Laser Tag together. Sabrina joined them for the last game.


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