Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mother's Helper

Sabrina has landed her first job! She is a mother's helper once a week for a friend of our family. A mother's helper is a babysitter in training; she watches the child with the mother in the house. Sabrina has found a way to get paid to do something she loves to do!

Our friend, Shelly, will be training her own babysitter because Sabrina wants to become a full fledged babysitter when she is older. She is getting experience by being a mother's helper and with her volunteer work at the church. Shelly will be a reference for Sabrina and Sabrina plans to ask several ladies at church, with whom she has worked. Sabrina has read lots of books on babysitting from the library. She plans to take the Red Cross online Babysitter Course when she is old enough. 


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