Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Ronald McDonald House - Caring Cards

Making Caring Cards is such an easy way to do volunteer work and we hone our art skills at the same time. Caring Cards are drawings on blank index cards that are included with the free lunch the Ronald McDonald House provides to the families while they are at the hospital. They cheer up the families and some kids even tape them up on the wall of their hospital room. We make the cards at home and turn them in when we go to the Ronald McDonald House for Cookie Crew. We have each made dozens in the last year. 

Sabrina has made a ton of Caring Cards this month. She has been drawing while listening to audio dramas. 

Some of Alex's Caring Cards from this month. He also makes origami finger puppets. His drawing skills have improved since we started making Caring Cards.

I wanted to know who the Sonic characters were, (since Alex kept talking about them) so I started drawing them from his comics. 

Alex and Sabrina also make Caring Cards for when we visit a friend in a nursing home. They have gotten to know several other residents and make cards for them as well. 


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