Friday, January 30, 2009

TV and computers

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under 2 not watch television, which I followed with Alex. It is a bit harder to follow with Sabrina because Alex is allowed to watch pre-approved cartoons on the computer (we do not own a TV) and we watch documentaries together. For the most part she is in another room while Alex watches DVD’s.

Alex has been on the computer a lot lately. I was very tired during pregnancy and a lot of times I am busy with Sabrina. The good news is Alex is on mostly educational preschool websites. He is quite good at many of the games. The bad news is I think he spends too much time on the computer and he thinks he doesn’t spend enough time on the computer. I am trying to come up with crafts and other activities to keep him occupied offline. There’s a balance to be found- I just got to find it.


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