Friday, January 24, 2014

Modified Media Fast- Day 24

This morning we dropped Frank off at work then went straight to the Wetlands Park. We spent about an hour and a half walking the trails. Since it was earlier in the day and the kids actually listened and kept quiet we saw quite a variety of wildlife.

After that we watched the “educational” movie. Of course Alex exclaimed, “this is media free month!” To which I replied we are allowed to watch educational movies. It wasn't really educational it was one of those movies which show nature scenes from the local area with a musical score. I made it educational by naming all the animals I knew and pointing out other things.


We followed that up by a visit to the Nature center. We enjoyed it, as always. Sabrina spent more time at the displays so I was able to go over some of them with her more than in the past.

Next I surprised the kids by taking them to Silver Bowl Park. For the most part we pretty much had the play ground to ourselves.

For lunch we had McDonalds and the kids got to play for a while.

After lunch we went grocery shopping. As I was leaving there was a very young beggar, most likely a runaway- she reminded me very much of my niece. Sabrina wanted to take her home with us. Instead we gave her a couple of bucks and prayed for her.

We picked Frank up with the groceries still in the car and headed home. I relaxed and put together my Sunday School lessons. Sabrina played with the pets and later with her brother. Frank went street preaching. Alex rode his bike and played with neighborhood friends. (Have I mentioned that Alex loves his bike?)


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