Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Virtual Reality and Ropes Course

As we were leaving the Rainforest Cafe, one of Alex's friends was going to do the Virtual Reality and one of Sabrina's friends was going to do the ropes course. I decided to let the kids try something new with some early Christmas money they got.

Sabrina did every obstacle except for one. Some of the obstacles were 30 feet in the air. She loved it. (Of course, she has a safety harness on).

While I was taking pictures and watching Sabrina, one of the salemen kept giving Alex "free" games. I am not sure how many he played. Then the guy told me that I needed to pay a tip for the free games. I asked Alex if he had any money so Alex handed the other guy a $10 for the tip, but he put towards the games. The other salesman still wanted a tip! Later, I realized that he asked for the tip when the other guy wasn't around and he didn't tell the other guy the money was a tip for the "free" games. 


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