Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Game Night

We have had Game Night several times since we moved, which was my goal with having the games in the dining area.

Ticket to Ride First Journey is really too simple for Alex and Sabrina, but there was a request and so we played it.

Sequence States and Capitals is a family favorite that gets lots of play.

Dinosaur Tea Party is similar to guess who, but with more options and for more players.

PacMan has a new board game. It is pretty fun and plays a lot like the video game.

Monster Crunch The Breakfast Battle Game is a fun card game based on Franken Berry and Boo Berry and friends.

Fantastic Park is a fun game that can get pretty cutthroat. For some reason it is no longer available, even though it is a great game.

Zooloretto Mini is a game in which you draft animals and build your zoo.

King of Tokyo is one of Alex's favorite games. 

As you can tell, we have quite a collection of board games. I pick them up at thrift stores or on clearance throughout the year. We also get new ones for every b-day, Christmas, and Easter. 


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