Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The The Matthew Effect at Work

The Matthew Effect states that those who gain an advantage are often placed in situations where they gain more advantages, while those who lack advantages continue to lack them. We are going to look at a real life example of the first part; how an advantage leads to more advantages.

We have volunteered for several years now. Right before Alex started working towards the Congressional Award we started volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House.

After Sabrina's hospital stay, she decided to team up with her brother to do a coloring book drive. The kids had already seen me do a book drive for several years for a charity we used to volunteer with. So, with some coaching and by utilizing connections they had already established in the community, they now have 3 businesses acting as drop off locations. Since we are volunteers with the Ronald McDonald House we have the opportunity to hand deliver the coloring books. When we started the drive we thought we would have to drop them off at the nurses' station.

We learned about the Prudential Spirit of Community Award, which also serves as a facilitator for the President's Volunteer Award. Due to the amount of volunteering required for the Congressional Award and the coloring book drive, Alex qualifies for the Presidential Award and is at least in the running for the local level, and possibly the state level, of the Prudential Award. Sabrina will qualify next year.

Both kids have developed their art skills by volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, which will help Sabrina as she enters art contests. In fact, she has already sold a few of her paintings, and donated half the proceeds to the coloring book drive.

We recently learned about several other volunteer awards that the kids can enter. We also learned about the Ronald McDonald House's 5-K, which fulfills one of Alex's physical fitness goals for the Congressional Award and will help him as he enters next year's round of volunteer awards. And so the Matthew Effect continues. 


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