Saturday, September 22, 2018

Homeschool Group- Family Field Day

Today was a wonderful day for our Family Field Day. I am not sure what they were playing in the picture above, but there was a whole lot of laughter.

Tug of War was a great hit. The kids wanted to do it multiple times.

Dodge ball was also a hit. The kids really enjoyed it. (We own the balls so I encouraged Alex and Sabrina to bring them to regular park days as well.)

We played popcorn with the giant parachute. Each team had different colored bean bags, the last one on the parachute wins. Alex and Sabrina were quite pleased that our family won the first round.

Several families had left by the time they got the capture the flag stuff out. They modified it into flag tag.

We had a wonderful time. The kids shared their exploits over in great detail in the car.


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