Thursday, June 15, 2017

Spread the Word Nevada- Volunteer Appreciation Dinner


Frank got to join us for Spread the Word Nevada's Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. The food was catered Mexican – very yummy!!!
It was very nice. The area we clean the books was decorated. There was a table covered in prizes that were to be raffled. We each got a strip of raffle tickets and got to chose which prizes to be entered for. They gave a speech thanking the volunteers then proceeded to do the raffle. Alex won two prizes- the first time he ever won a raffle. (He was super excited.) He gave me a necklace for Mother's Day- Sweet! His other prize was the one Sabrina wanted- a stuffed bird, but it also came with four tickets to Springs Preseve. I also won one with a pretty scarf.
It was a very nice evening.

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