Friday, March 3, 2017


Postcrossing is a website that allows users to send a postcard to someone anywhere in the world and receive a postcard from someone else. It isn't pen-pals because you aren't writing the person who sends you a postcard back.

Elexa told us about Postcrossing a long time ago. It seemed interesting, but we just never got around to it. The kids have been pen-pals with several cousins and friends for a few months and enjoying it. So, I signed them up for Postcrossing tonight.

Sabrina's first post card is being sent to Moscow, Russia. Alex's first post card is being sent to Saint Petersburg, Russia. So I looked up Russian for hello; Zdravstvuj and for good-bye; Do svidaniya! We also looked at the map. I will have them look up the country they send/receive a postcard to/from on National Geographic Kids.

Since it is their first postcard each kid got to choose a special 3D postcard. Others that we send will be normal postcards. Several places around here have Las Vegas postcards. Museums, zoos, State Parks, and National Parks have postcards too. Most are under a dollar.


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