Saturday, October 11, 2014

Street Preaching

Last night we met up with members of several local churches to go street preaching outside of a local high school football game. Those who wanted to used the amp to preach; while the rest of us held signs and invited people to our church.

Some people were mad that we were there and yelled and cursed us, but others were glad and admitted that they need to have a relationship with God. It was quite an exciting night especially when the game ended and the mad rush came right by us.

I rushed up to one car and started inviting them before I realized that they were from one of the other churches. They will be teasing me for years.

Alex even got to preach, (the kids can participate if they choose to). Sabrina held a sign for a while then she played with her new toy. When she got tired I took her to rest in the van.

Alex saw some people and invited some of them. One of then scared him by acting like a crazy teenager. I told Alex that they would not hurt him. Then he went out again. Once the teen realized he scared Alex he came over and talked to him and even said he was glad Alex was out there.


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