Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mesquite, Nv

Members of our church traveled to Mesquite, Nv to help the church there advertise for their free concert. We left after the kids' classes. We arrivied in Mesquite just as the church was taking a break for lunch.

We went to the art museum, which was showcasing students' art. I really like the paper mache frogs- maybe we will try to make some smaller ones sometime.

We walked next door to the Mesquite History Museum.

We also visited a play ground, but it was hot. We only stayed there a few minutes.

The library was next to the park. We spent a while in the library.

Then we met the group back at the church. The kids got to stay at the church and play with other kids. Frank and I left with a group to go door-to-door to let people know about the concert. We stayed for the concert. It was in a theater of the local college.



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